Friday 10 April 2020

Endless hobby ahoy!

The times of potentially endless hobby are upon us.

I know these memes are over used but it is very appropriate currently.


     So like many a blog mine has sat idle for quite a while and like (I’d imagine most of the other blog authors) I have some pretty good reasons for not updating. From my own health (I’m literally one in 2 million, Doctors eyes light up when they read my records and imagine all the exciting ways they can “solve” me) to my iMac deciding to keep some water in the corner of its screen, my regular opponent and I having to be grown ups and deal with the problems associated with such responsibility; I just haven’t tackled it. I tried using my phone to update it but the layout was appalling and caused me to have aesthetic conniptions. I did miss my blog however, it had helped motivate and focus me and the comments from the couple of people who were kind enough to look at my online nonsense really inspired me (thank you for your support, it is really appreciated).

My first Warlord Black Seas model which I intend to use to play Post Captain by ODGW.

     Right, excuses over, on with today’s post. Many if not nearly all of my fellow hobbyists (in the U.K. if not the rest of the world) are now having to stay home to protect our people and infrastructure. This hasn’t changed a lot for me but must be a difficult time for many and I wanted to try and pass on some advice that has allowed me to stay sane (relatively speaking) since I had to retire from arboriculture (at my wife and doctors request, quite rightly I must add).

I didn’t actually make this vehicle specifically it was just a coincidence and powerful little magnets getting together. Love finds a way! How on earth did the Italian tankers see?
     Your hobby is there to bring you joy, don’t feel pressured that because you have lots more spare time you should be achieving more. For some lucky and talented individuals this may be true but in reality most people will just be adding unneeded stress. Plan some regular time to hobby and just try and keep it ticking over. Maybe use the fact your non-gaming family members are trapped with you to introduce them to the hobby. If you’re isolating alone play one of the many available solo games, or just play both sides of your normal game, try and be even handed, play both sides as well as you can (it can be just as fun and help you really learn your favourite rule sets). Just try and remember you’re hobby is for enjoyment, if it’s not fun try and do something else and come back to it in a bit (don’t worry your mountain of shame isn’t going anywhere!).

A bit more of this spirit, a little less panic and we’ll all get through this. Courtesy of the IWM (I think, please correct me if necessary and I’ll adjust this appropriately).
     Enough waffle for now. I intend to try and start updating regularly, showing all my progress since I stopped posting, sharing the games I now play and the state of my ongoing projects. Hopefully this might inspire someone (or just give you something to read).

Stay safe, stay calm and be positive, respect each other and hobby on.


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